WHY were interviewed by SoundMojo to talk about new music, writing and playing during COVID and it was a blast being on a show the band watch all the time. Jump to 1:06. to watch the WHY interview.
Tag: New Album
Tonight WHY Live From HQ Tune In
“WHY Live From HQ” is a streaming concert event on Facebook Live and YouTube Tonight May 1st. WATCH ON YouTube: Or on FACEBOOK LIVE: WHY Official Facebook Page
New Single And Video!
With the new release of “Despite All Of The Darkness” a new single and video for “Not The End” where released Dec 23rd. Subscribe to the official WHY YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/WHYtheband
WHY Back In Studio
WHY are back in studio with producer Steve Green at GREEN EGG STUDIO, to finish up the next album.
WHY Release “The Prophet”
The 5th song from WHY’s next album is out now on all music platforms, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play Store, Spotify…etc.
4 Songs Recorded and A 5th Coming
WHY are currently recording the next album and it’s taking longer than planned due to budget. Help WHY finish the next album by donating to their album GoFundMe Campaign https://www.gofundme.com/NewWHYSongs Any one time donation of any amount and you get the 4 singles released so far and the 5th single coming and all the other…
WHY Release Video for “God Particle”.
WHY released the video for the new single “God Particle” today.
WHY Release A Early Look At New Single Cover Art
WHY revealed the cover art for their next single “God Particle” which is almost finished according to the band and producer Steve Green (GreenEgg Studio). WHY singer Brian Cook revealed the cover art for the soon to be released single this morning in a post on Instagram and explained the image on his Facebook account:…
WHY In Studio Working On New Album
WHY are busy working on more tracks for their 6th album at GREEN EGG Studio in Winnipeg. No release date for the album, but expect more singles. https://www.instagram.com/p/BgMH4JYBwTW/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/Bggc5uIjbzS/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BgMFaQChHs4/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/BgFh6MXhD3X/?taken-by=why_music https://www.instagram.com/p/Bg1A7f-DgRZ/?taken-by=why_music
WHY released the official video for the single “Repair The Breach” on Thursday. “This is a good start for the next album” was what singer Brian Cook revealed. “Repair The Breach” by WHY is available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/repair-the-breach-single/id1225845741 Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Brstd6ki5a4ehd6dw6vxsyls6b4&tid=song-Ta2fjhy26onx44khcrajptkaomm&hl=en